Our baby

18 weeks pregnant
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Really good day today.
A quick update from me. I went to the ER around 1am last night because the pain was so unbearable. I had a pelvic exam done, everything looks good, so they gave me an IV to rehydrate and a vicodin for the pain. I fell asleep almost instantly. I hadn't slept since Sat/Sun night. I went to see my OB today and he gave me an Rx for the Vicodin to take as needed so at least I'll have something to help. We saw the baby on the ultrasound and there is more fluid there than last week. I love my doctor because he lets us be hopeful without hoping too much. He thinks it's great that there is more and I saw my little bean moving and waving. Went to see the Peri as well today and I really think I'm going to like him alot. The first step was the ultrasound room where I got to see my little baby. The baby was moving around pretty well and we got lots of great pictures. She calculated that my AFI was around 8 but did say it's a guess because it's too early to divide my abdomen into quadrants. She did find out that the fibroids are what's causing the pain, in fact when she was pushing on my sore spot there was a big fibroid. I also got to find out that we are having a GIRL!! I'm so excited! After the ultrasound, we met with the doctor. He was very informative and explained alot, even the bad. He didn't tell me to terminate or encourage it, he just asked what my thoughts were. I told him that I wanted to keep going until I couldn't go anymore and he said great. He says that he is happy to see the fluid, he says there is more than enough to help the baby's development. He did explain that the fibroids will cause the most problem, they are known to weaken the sac so we are watching the closely. I'll be seeing him every week until 24 weeks when we will decide if I need to be hospitalized.That's about it for now but at least we know that there is still hope.
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I am so glad to read this good news! It gives me hope. I have been on bedrest since this past Saturday due to cervical dilation and my bag bulging through my cervix. My water broke Monday night, and doctors expected me to deliver soon thereafter, but I have had no contractions. Frankly,doctords are amazed that I have not delivered to this point. We are prayerful that bedrest will, both, replenish the fluid, stave off labor, and prolong the pregnancy. I will be praying for you and hope we can keep each other uplifted.